Twice now I've bought camel colored yarn only to discover that I don't really like the color. So instead of leaving it in my stash to collect dust I decided to have a go at Kool Aid dyeing.
There are a lot of how-to's out there for dyeing yarn with Kool Aid. I chose to use the instructions from She has a color chart to help you choose which flavor to use. And it shows both white and natural tan color (very similar to the camel I was starting out with).
I used the Blasts Berry Cherry flavor. It was the only Kool Aid that wasn't presweetened that I could find. Luckily I wanted red :) Of course you don't have to use Kool Aid brand, you're free to use any brand of drink mix. Just make sure you get the unsweetened kind, you don't want sticky yarn. From what I saw in the store the stuff in tubs all has some sort of sweetner, so look for the packets.
First I wrapped the yarn into loose skeins rather than balls so that it would dye evenly.
Then I had to soak the yarn for 20 minutes in hot water.
While my yarn was soaking I prepared the Kool Aid dye. The instructions call for 1pkg of Kool Aid per 8oz of liquid (6oz water, 2oz vinegar) for each oz of fiber. I had 3 balls equaling a total of 5.25oz. I decided to use 7 packets of Kool Aid, because I wanted the red to really cover up the camel color.
There are other recipes that don't use vinegar. But I was afraid that if I didn't use the vinegar to set the dye that it would bleed.
Next step calls for removing the excess soak water from the yarn and placing it in the dye mixture. The liquid should cover your yarn. If not add more water. Then you let it simmer for 45 minutes.
The heat helps the fibers to open up and suck in all the dye.
After its done cookin the water should be clear of dye - either clear or milky white. When I turned of the heat, my water still had a slight pinkish tint. But it cleared up as the yarn cooled down.
It takes a while for the water to cool down. But don't try to rinse your yarn in cold water to get it cooled down, it'll cause it to felt.
When it was cool enough to handle I wrung it out and then hung it in the bath tub to dry.
Voila! Yarn make over complete!
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