I've joined the 4th round of Project Spectrum. Project Spectrum is a wonderful group created and led by the author of Lolly Knitting Around.
The theme for this year is the compass rose and four cardinal directions. Each cardinal direction will run for 2 months.
PS4 opens with
Color: Green
Material: Stones/Gems/Rocks
Season: Winter
Element: Earth
From now until the end of April the PS members will be exploring North through art, craft, and simply taking notice of what is around us.
So far I've only been able to look at my stash and this is what I've got:
I have a couple ideas of what to make with this already.
I also recently bought this from Purl Patchwork:
The green thread will work in nicely.
And of course this guy is a big inspiration:
Or maybe he's just cute :)
Find out more about Project Spectrum:
Lolly Knitting Around.


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